Facts You Should Know
About Sargent Steam
Customer Service is job #1
We handle every transaction with every customer with integrity.
When you deal with us, you buy with confidence because your needs are always respected.
We Sell Only the Highest Quality, Best Performing Products – Guaranteed
Every product we sell is guaranteed to be the best performing and highest quality available in the industry.
We back that up with a
- We’re not satisfied until you’re satisfied
- 90 Day Money Back
- No Hassle
- You-Have-Our-Word-On-It
- Sure Thing Guaranty!
Sargent Steam guarantees you may get better results in less time than you ever have with any cleaning appliance, chemical, or effort you have previously used, period. Bold statement, huh?
We also guaranty our steam cleaners to be free of defects for 2 full years and an extra 3 (total of 5 years) on the boiler tank. And by the way, don’t be fooled by the toys on the market. If it costs cheap, it is cheap.
If you are not satisfied with one of our products at the time you receive it, or if one of our products does not perform to your satisfaction, you may return it to us for a repair, replacement or refund within 90 days of purchase.
Damage due to wear and tear will be repaired at a reasonable charge.
Most customers find our support, training and personal instructions reverse the reason they were initially dissatisfied with our products. After a conversation with one of our trained staff, they were very satisfied. So allow us to help you through any learning curve.
If we cannot make you happy, we will accept your return. A 20% restocking fee may be deducted from your return. Contact us for details – 800-748-7832.
Our Repair Service Is Outstanding
Our service center is fast, efficient and affordable. Our well-trained reliable technicians will have your Sargent Steam Cleaner back up and running as quickly as possible. Sargent Steam Cleaners are built to last and with a little care, can serve you well for many years.
Our Customer Education is the Best In The Industry
We’re the absolute experts and can teach you more about steam cleaning than anyone else in the world. Even our competitors tell us our training videos and instructions are the best!
We are completely focused on helping you clean up any mess fast! We are absolutely dedicated to making cleaning easier, better, healthier, and faster than any other method previously known to mankind.
Our customers have unlimited access to our stellar education, support and product training for life. So take our classes, watch our videos, call our friendly trained experts for help on anything you want to learn about steam cleaning.
Company Facts
- Founded: 1993 by Joyce Mathie
- Family owned and operated
- Customers Served: 18,000 + happy customers
- Products: We focus on Sargent Steam Cleaners and irons and high-quality microfiber cloths.
Our giving center is the SCIDS Foundation. www.scid.net. SCIDS is also know as the Bubble Boy Syndrome.
Our Team Of Experts
Joyce Mathie, Founder
Joyce appears regularly on the popular daytime TV shows ABC4?s “Good Things Utah” KUTV “Fresh Living” and KSL “Studio 5″ where viewers refer to her as “The Steam Lady” and rely on her for answers to their worst cleaning challenges.
Joyce has received the “Fastest Growing Company In Utah” three times.
Julie Verrinder, Owner
The glue that holds the whole company together. Julie brings her extensive retail and merchandising background to the store, her people skills to the administrative and customer service departments and her eye for systems and detail to the operations side of Sargent Steam. Wait until you see what she comes up with next!

Samme Page, Sales – Customer Service
Sales, support, customer service, steam cleaner expert, shipping genius, and all around perfect employee with mad welding skills. Samme is an invaluable asset to the store, showroom, and warehouse. When you need a steam cleaner professional, she’s your gal.
Rebekah Goodwin, Sales – Customer Service
Sales, support, customer service, steam cleaner expert, the best help you could ever hope to find and she’s here every day to help you. She’s always smiling, always helpful and always full of great ideas. If you call us, chances are pretty good she’s the voice on the phone ready to help you.
Terry DeGarmo, Service Technician
Terry repairs our customers’ steam cleaners and irons with great skill and pride. If it involves heavy lifting, we look to Terry to help us get the job done!
A major transformation in my life came about when a former co-worker asked me to test a small machine he had discovered in Europe. He was very interested in my take on this new and unknown steam cleaning technology. I had no idea what to expect so I just started cleaning a few things.
Very quickly I realized this little steam cleaner was going to be the deliverance I had never dreamed possible from the drudgery of back-breaking heavy housework. I was thrilled to be liberated from getting down on my knees, a task that, due to some health problems, was becoming nearly impossible.
This power tool took away the need for scrubbing and scouring! It gave me the freedom to keep my home cleaner and shinier than ever without the nasty chemicals or hard manual labor.
It took me no time to start telling everyone I knew how much my Sargent Steam cleaner had changed my life. The people who bought also started introducing their family and friends to steam cleaning.
My hobby soon outgrew my spare bedroom so my husband, Alex and I branched into the business of helping homeowners just like us become as fanatic about steaming as we had. We were 57 years old. The time when all our friends were retiring, we started a new business!
Since then I have helped literally thousands of people just like you learn to use their Sargent Steam Cleaner to its fullest advantage. I’ve tackled some pretty unique cleaning challenges as I’ve interacted over the last three decades with family, friends and customers.
Now it is absolutely my pleasure to share that accumulated wealth of steam cleaning knowledge with you!
Product History
How a Bar Owner Changed the Cleaning Game
The Steam Cleaner was invented in the early 1970’s in Italy when a bar owner noticed his wife cleaning the lipstick off wine glasses with steam from the cappuccino machine! (Any restaurant owner will tell you that lipstick stains are a pain!)
As he watched a bright red smudge literally melt away in seconds, he said “WOW! That was amazingly effective. How can I harness that same steam power to clean the the rest of this place? I’ve got to get that thing out of the wall and down here on the floor, the tables, the chairs, the counters.”
He went to work engineering a portable appliance that could be easily applied to any kind of cleaning. He took a 2 quart stainless steel water tank—hooked up some electricity to heat the water—added a pressure valve to force the resulting vapor through a hose—connected a handle that would allow several types of attachments and, voila!
The power of steam at your fingertips! Pretty simple, pretty basic, pretty REVOLUTIONARY!
He discovered that all kinds of “painful stains” like grease, tar, wax, soap scum, sugar, and cigarette smoke were no match for steam vapor delivered at 300 degrees with 50 pounds of pressure behind it.
Now he could clean the floors, walls, windows, stove, sink, bathroom fixtures, counters, chairs, baseboards, tables, chairs, the whole place, and all that was left behind was clean, shiny, sparkling, dirt free, chemical free, sanitized surfaces with NO streaks and NO residue to attract more dirt!
He quickly discovered that steam took the place of all those harsh toxic cleaning chemicals and actually did a better job.
He tweaked and adjusted until efficiency and user friendliness was perfected. He even added an iron attachment so he could take advantage of all that continuous steam while pressing the table linens. Isn’t technology great?
So what are you waiting for? Get your hands on one of these portable little powerhouses and start cleaning the fast, easy, healthy green way today!