VIP Customer Referral Program
By Julie In BlogVIP Customer Referral Program
When was the last time you earned $100 just chatting with your favorite people? As our VIP Customer, you’ll earn $100 reward every time one of your referrals buys their very own Sargent Steam Cleaner

To earn a $100 reward
- All you do is think of people you know
- With a problem or need Sargent Steam can solve
- Share with them what you love about your Sarge
- Tell us their name, phone or e-mail
- Let them know to expect our call
- Collect your reward when they buy a Sargent Steam Cleaner!
We do everything else
- We call your friend and discuss their needs
- We set a convenient time to chat
- We do the demonstration – online, by phone or in person
- We get creative with payment options / financing
- We deliver/ship the merchandise and help them get started
- We pay your referral rewards!
Friends Don’t Let Friends Clean the Hard Way!
So Who Do You Know?
- Family and Friends
- Neighbors
- Associates and Co-workers
- School or Church acquaintances
- Your hairdresser or nail technician
- Your accountant or stock broker
- Your doctor, dentist or veterinarian
- Your kid’s teachers and coaches
- Your babysitter or daycare owner
- Your attorney, banker or real estate agent
- Your book club or dinner club
- Facebook friends or blogs you follow
- Landlords, property managers
- Your cleaning lady or handyman
- Hospital, surgical/assisted living center
- Who needs to clean faster – easier – healthier – better – cheaper – greener?
- Who suffers from asthma – allergies – chemical sensitivities – other special needs?
- Who is currently (or will be) undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer?
- Who has a compromised immune system – can’t tolerate germs but also can’t tolerate chemicals?
- Who loves to clean? – Who hates to clean? – Who hires someone to clean for them?
- Who loves good tools and knows the better the tool, the better the results?
All Sargent Steam Cleaner owners are automatically eligible to participate
and it’s FREE so join our exclusive VIP Customer Referral Program today!
Call with your referral list 1-800-SGT-STEAM and start earning hundreds instantly!
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